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At Båstadgruppen, we work across a range of sectors to create an inclusive and fair workplace that boosts innovation, productivity and well-being. Below are some of the issues we are working on.
At Båstadgruppen, we aim to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in the organization and maintain a workforce that reflects the diversity of local businesses.
In the hiring process, we use an open-minded recruitment approach. We work with a variety of recruitment sources, such as minority-focused job sites or local community organizations.
Our diversity and inclusion policy is clearly communicated so that all employees are aware of it. We intend to conduct regular diversity and inclusion training to increase employee awareness and understanding.
We are working to ensure equal pay for all demographic groups and address any gender or ethnicity-based pay gaps. We are working on strengthening equity for career progression and development opportunities.
We are working to diversify suppliers/factories through minority-owned or women-owned businesses. We also develop diversity targets for our suppliers.
At the Båstad Group, we monitor turnover rates between different demographic groups and take action to address any differences. We conduct continuous employee surveys on employees' perceptions of diversity and inclusion in the workplace regularly and take action based on feedback.
We engage in partnerships with local organizations that promote diversity and inclusion. We sponsor or participate in events and initiatives that support diversity in society.
We work with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to diversity and inclusion and regularly track and report on progress. We conduct regular diversity audits to assess the Båstad Group as a workplace.
The managers and leaders of Båstadgruppen are committed to diversity and inclusion. We encourage the progress of our leaders with diversity goals.
We communicate diversity and inclusion goals, progress and achievements, both internally and externally. When appropriate, we celebrate successes and share best practices with employees and stakeholders.